Five Basics for Inventory Management Success

 Without warehouses and inventory, a successful supply chain cannot exist. The warehouse must be efficient to be an equally successful part of the supply chain. This is where warehouse inventory management enters the picture. In addition, you run the risk of having the wrong quantity, a disconnected database, and incorrect product identification.

If these barriers seem too familiar, we've compiled a list of five tips to help you improve your inventory management system and achieve your most successful supply chain management.

ABC Classification

A warehouse can have thousands to thousands of parts, so you'll need a clear and simple classification system to stay organized. Some warehouses prefer the "ABC classification" method of selective inventory control. This means that parts of inventory are classified based on their financial value and documentation requirements. For example, item "A" has the highest value and needs to be handled with care, while the "C" item has the lowest value and requires only simple entries. Note that each product and its associated SKU will have a different supply and demand variability pattern, so not all SKUs can be tagged the same. The "ABC Classification" system can also be used to manage SKU variability. No matter which method is used, all inventory parts must be neatly arranged with clearly labeled choices. Consider developing an accurate syntax for part labeling.

Warehouse Management System (WMS)

A warehouse is not complete without a user-friendly warehouse management system, just as no supply chain is complete without WMS. The most basic WMS includes built-in integration with flexible location systems, user-customized function parameters, and data collection tools. Warehouse Management System (WMS) will improve inventory accuracy and storage capacity while reducing cycle time and labor costs. The WMS program will also generally provide excellent inventory scheduling options. You can also use your WMS to optimize inventory by automatically monitoring and managing supply and demand variability.

Include mobile technology

Many WMS apps offer vendors that allow vendors to connect to data. Mobile devices make it easy to get real-time, accurate inventory data and information. This can improve the overall speed of customer service and supply chain. When sellers notice a low inventory level in their store, they can submit instant payment requests using their mobile access. By connecting to a mobile POS system, mobile technology can directly improve inventory management. Consumers will be automatically notified of product availability limits when they attempt to purchase an item online.

Extend the shipping system

Inventory management depends on the ability of the staff to process and handle warehouse systems and products and packages. Shipping systems that are unable to handle the current volume of products and packages need to be upgraded. As a result, many product handling and packing warehouses prefer to invest in new conveyor systems. This could include a flexible and convenient mobile conveyor machine. They can also be an integrated system of strategically placed conveyor machines. Conveyor machines are a great way to improve inventory management and warehouse efficiency.

Relationships with suppliers

Some suppliers may be consistently late or deliver incorrect shipments. Often, warehouse workers are too busy to respond to these, warehouse management should closely monitor supply efficiency. Indeed, WMS suppliers can create detailed, personalized reports on shipments. Each quarter, consider using WMS to audit supplier performance. This will help you identify unreliable suppliers and identify areas for improvement. With this information, you can decide whether to allow high-performance suppliers to sell more while reducing the number of low-performing suppliers.


Is your warehouse management system running at maximum efficiency? We can help you identify the best system for your needs, restructure inefficient processes, reduce backorder and keep shipments running smoothly. provides a warehouse management system in India. Learn how Sundata can help your company take advantage of the power of your supply chain warehouse management system to streamline the processes you need to succeed.


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